Christmas Chaos

My goal for my Christmas shopping this year (and no I don't regularly have a "goal" for my Christmas just happened randomly this year...) is to get 99% of my gifts online. I'm not entirely sure WHY...but it's just something I wanna do. I just want to be able to say "I got 99% of my Christmas gifts for people online!" In fact, I'd get everything from ONE place if I could but that's just a tad too unrealistic. There are people even can't cater to. Or can it? Hmmm...R2D2 shaped trash can for grandma? LED Binary Watch for dad? 1.3 Megapixel USB Digital Microscope for mom? Electronic Drum Kit Shirt for brother? Dismember-me plush zombie for...someone?...I don't think this is working...but I do have to say that website is a treasure trove of...uh...well...treasure. Magical, magical treasure. So...if you're in doubt for any geeks in your know where to look. Did I seriously just advertise on my blog for zero compensation? Uhh yes.