
I realized a few weeks ago...that I hate Styrofoam. Not for packing. But in cup form. I was somewhere with John. Somewhere where they make legit coffee. If you know me at all, you know I am a coffee snob. I did not know I was until I married John. I'm not that picky about many things. But coffee is one of them. was a decent coffee place. We ordered our coffee and waited. It was delivered. And I just stared at it. Styrofoam cup. Not the el-cheapo office kind. It WAS made for coffee and had a lid and everything. But I still felt like...ew. I don't know why. I think it's just ingrained in me: coffee goes in glass, ceramic, paper or metal. That is all. Plastic?...pushing it. Styrofoam? How dare you.
I'm not sure how this all came about. Maybe it's because Washingtonians would sooner throw themselves in front of your car than serve coffee in a Styrofoam cup (a lot of it probably has to do with being hippies and going green). A large part of it is just the awful texture and the fact it makes your drink taste like itself. It does. Maybe it just reminds me of my years (I accidentally typed "tears" and laughed...those too!) working at the dreaded bank. I swear we had Styrofoam cups for our lobby's complimentary coffee.
Obviously, I'm the only one that feels this way.
Photo: Unknown found via Ice Tubes


robayre said…
uhhhh, I HATE styrofoam! Not just to drink out of, but for packaging, for ANYTHING. It's a texture and sound thing for me. Some people cringe when nails are scratched on a chalkboard. Me, I will drop dead if you pull a product surrounded by styrofoam out of a tightly packaged box. It's just this horrible, dry, sound and feeling to me. It really is my arch nemesis, especially after my cat ate it TWICE and then required emergency surgery. It should be banned. Funny thing is, there is that biodegradable foam packaging, and it might make the same feeling and sound as styrofoam, but I wouldn't know because it doesn't bother me at all, partially because I know it won't outlive me.

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