Awesome Title
I'm in one of those stages of life where you sincerely feel like life is continuously finding you in dark alleys and beating the daylights out of you before you have a chance to explain that you don't have your wallet. Unfortunately, I don't see it getting any easier...for quite some time. But that is my life right now and I'm trying to change my perspective into one that is more positive.
My parents are moving here. I can barely believe it and still don't entirely believe it but it's true. It won't seem real until they get here. I'm both a little wary and overjoyed. They will be a great support during this time. John's long hours is already a strain. We are working hard to adjust quickly and make changes to ease both of us into new roles. It's strange. But it will be good in the end.
My baby girl is changing. In just a week, she is rolling over, holding things, graduating pacifiers, and possibly teething. I am overjoyed and overwhelmed. Slow down, little one. Before we know it she will be chewing gum and chasing boys. EEK.
School is just a week away...and I'm stuck in a corner trying to decide whether or not I can handle my currently registered class schedule. Most of me thinks HELLSNO. The other small optimistic part of me reasons that I have plenty of time...I just need to learn to manage it. I'm going to maybe treat this week as a test run of time management. Then I will decide if I'm any match for this schedule. Whether I keep it or not will determine a few things in the it's a weighty decision. And weighty decisions are always rough.
NEWSFLASH: I wrote the above earlier this week...and voila...I've decided to drop a class. It was a rough decision but when my best friend Jenna hesitated when I asked if she thought I was crazy for taking 3 classes with a baby...I knew it was time to do something. I'm keeping my independent study and art history and flinging math to the curb. Again. I think I register for math every semester only to drop it. lol One of these days, math. One of these days...
My parents are moving here. I can barely believe it and still don't entirely believe it but it's true. It won't seem real until they get here. I'm both a little wary and overjoyed. They will be a great support during this time. John's long hours is already a strain. We are working hard to adjust quickly and make changes to ease both of us into new roles. It's strange. But it will be good in the end.
My baby girl is changing. In just a week, she is rolling over, holding things, graduating pacifiers, and possibly teething. I am overjoyed and overwhelmed. Slow down, little one. Before we know it she will be chewing gum and chasing boys. EEK.
School is just a week away...and I'm stuck in a corner trying to decide whether or not I can handle my currently registered class schedule. Most of me thinks HELLSNO. The other small optimistic part of me reasons that I have plenty of time...I just need to learn to manage it. I'm going to maybe treat this week as a test run of time management. Then I will decide if I'm any match for this schedule. Whether I keep it or not will determine a few things in the it's a weighty decision. And weighty decisions are always rough.
NEWSFLASH: I wrote the above earlier this week...and voila...I've decided to drop a class. It was a rough decision but when my best friend Jenna hesitated when I asked if she thought I was crazy for taking 3 classes with a baby...I knew it was time to do something. I'm keeping my independent study and art history and flinging math to the curb. Again. I think I register for math every semester only to drop it. lol One of these days, math. One of these days...