Jingle Crash
This is my Camelbak water bottle. It is, in fact, my second Camelbak. My first finally had to be retired after 3ish happy years of rough love. I could look past the beat up surface but when it essentially stopped producing water when I wanted to drink, it had to go.
This water bottle and I are essentially inseparable. I go through a minimum of four of these a day. You know that feeling when you forgot your phone at home and you literally turn around to get it because it'll bother you all day not having it with you? That's me and my water bottle. I am a water drinker. I always have been. When we'd come back to the states to visit, I always enjoyed drinking directly from the tap (something you just can't (or shouldn't) do in a third world country) for as long as I wanted. My mom has always looked at my love of water with awe as getting herself to drink enough a day is a challenge. I have never had this problem. Since starting school, I have taken my water bottle to class every day minus a few. Those few I felt naked ALL day. And parched, of course. I affectionately think of it as my "jingle crash" because this is the sound that countless classmates have had to endure. I hang my keys off the top and by the time I empty the bottle the keys are too heavy to balance for very long. I always forget this and it always goes tumbling.
This water bottle was first given to me by John before he left on his first deployment. He bought be a going-away gift: a pink Camelbak, a book of verses inspired by the poem "Footprints" and the movie Coraline. He noted later that it was unintentional but he got me something for my body, mind, and spirit. Because of this my bottle has always been special to me. I almost didn't want to replace it. Hopefully this new one will last a long time.
This water bottle and I are essentially inseparable. I go through a minimum of four of these a day. You know that feeling when you forgot your phone at home and you literally turn around to get it because it'll bother you all day not having it with you? That's me and my water bottle. I am a water drinker. I always have been. When we'd come back to the states to visit, I always enjoyed drinking directly from the tap (something you just can't (or shouldn't) do in a third world country) for as long as I wanted. My mom has always looked at my love of water with awe as getting herself to drink enough a day is a challenge. I have never had this problem. Since starting school, I have taken my water bottle to class every day minus a few. Those few I felt naked ALL day. And parched, of course. I affectionately think of it as my "jingle crash" because this is the sound that countless classmates have had to endure. I hang my keys off the top and by the time I empty the bottle the keys are too heavy to balance for very long. I always forget this and it always goes tumbling.
This water bottle was first given to me by John before he left on his first deployment. He bought be a going-away gift: a pink Camelbak, a book of verses inspired by the poem "Footprints" and the movie Coraline. He noted later that it was unintentional but he got me something for my body, mind, and spirit. Because of this my bottle has always been special to me. I almost didn't want to replace it. Hopefully this new one will last a long time.