The Notebook Club
On my 19th birthday, my first birthday away from my family, I spent the day with my then closest friends from Seattle Pacific University and we all chanced upon a vintagey shop in Fremont, Seattle. In that shop, we found several vintagey notebooks and decided we would each get one and begin what we called The Notebook Club. I don't think we ever really established what this club would entail other than wearing distinctive jackets and writing wise nothings in said notebooks. But that was fine for the time being. We then celebrated both the club and my birthday over pumpkin gelato.
My love for all things journaly and stationary has existed long before this momentous occasion. I am always in possession of piles of journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've blogged on this subject before and probably said I would not buy another sketchbook until I used the ones I had. So far, I've held true on this promise...but I'm pretty sure I've bought a journal since then. I heard someone recently talk about how they kept their different projects in specific sketchbooks which I thought was a good idea, although hard to accomplish if you're like me and change inspiration daily. So she would only use a certain notebook for jewelry designing concepts, another for sketching, another for such and such. I think the idea I liked the most was to use one notebook/sketchbook for an entire summer and at the end of that summer, that would be the end. Stop using that sketchbook. So the summer is contained in that one book. I like that. I'm not sure why.
I enjoy memories like The Notebook Club. They are slightly bitter sweet because I'm no longer in contact with any of those people and it was during one of the hardest periods of transition in my life so things didn't always go well or end well. I look back and wonder if that person was ever really me; I was that unrecognizable and uncharacteristic of myself and that' a way...shameful. But it's all a lesson. It's encouraging to see the growth that has happened since then. I sometimes wonder what The Notebook Club might have become. We all wrote different things in our notebooks. I wonder if they all kept theirs like I kept mine. I wrote quotes in my notebook. I used to be really big on quotes. I still love quotes...I just don't collect them like I did then. I have since transitioned this little treasure of a book into a way to record my art commissions so I know who has asked for work, who has paid, who I still need to contact, etc. It sat unused long enough. Good to have a useful use now.
So remember how I was talking about starting a website for my art? I did it. I actually did it. It's not finished yet and I'm waiting to see if my domain name linkage went through but hopefully soon I will know. It's pretty simplistic and I like that. I don't have much on it yet but I hope to expand it soon. I'm just excited to get the ball rolling...especially pre-baby. Because we all know that's probably not happening post-baby.
In other news, I got a new commission. It's going to be in paint, it's going to be big, and I have as long as I like to work on it. I'm excited as it is for a good friend and they know nothing about it. Surprises are my favorite. :)
My love for all things journaly and stationary has existed long before this momentous occasion. I am always in possession of piles of journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've blogged on this subject before and probably said I would not buy another sketchbook until I used the ones I had. So far, I've held true on this promise...but I'm pretty sure I've bought a journal since then. I heard someone recently talk about how they kept their different projects in specific sketchbooks which I thought was a good idea, although hard to accomplish if you're like me and change inspiration daily. So she would only use a certain notebook for jewelry designing concepts, another for sketching, another for such and such. I think the idea I liked the most was to use one notebook/sketchbook for an entire summer and at the end of that summer, that would be the end. Stop using that sketchbook. So the summer is contained in that one book. I like that. I'm not sure why.
I enjoy memories like The Notebook Club. They are slightly bitter sweet because I'm no longer in contact with any of those people and it was during one of the hardest periods of transition in my life so things didn't always go well or end well. I look back and wonder if that person was ever really me; I was that unrecognizable and uncharacteristic of myself and that' a way...shameful. But it's all a lesson. It's encouraging to see the growth that has happened since then. I sometimes wonder what The Notebook Club might have become. We all wrote different things in our notebooks. I wonder if they all kept theirs like I kept mine. I wrote quotes in my notebook. I used to be really big on quotes. I still love quotes...I just don't collect them like I did then. I have since transitioned this little treasure of a book into a way to record my art commissions so I know who has asked for work, who has paid, who I still need to contact, etc. It sat unused long enough. Good to have a useful use now.
So remember how I was talking about starting a website for my art? I did it. I actually did it. It's not finished yet and I'm waiting to see if my domain name linkage went through but hopefully soon I will know. It's pretty simplistic and I like that. I don't have much on it yet but I hope to expand it soon. I'm just excited to get the ball rolling...especially pre-baby. Because we all know that's probably not happening post-baby.
In other news, I got a new commission. It's going to be in paint, it's going to be big, and I have as long as I like to work on it. I'm excited as it is for a good friend and they know nothing about it. Surprises are my favorite. :)
Photo: Unknown found via Picaboo