While visiting my friend Jenna in my much-needed Arizona getaway, I was introduced to two wonderful worlds and I had previously been a stranger to: grapefruits and french press coffee. Now you might be thinking I must be an alien to have never had a grapefruit. And you're right. I've had a grapefruit. But I've never enjoyed grapefruits until I had them in Arizona. So, thank you Jenna and Arizona. I am now eating them by the bag full (literally). As for the french press coffee, I'd never had it until coming to Jenna's house and I left with a craving to have more. After a brief email to John expressing a desire to get one one day, he replied asking what I thought of one and then ordered it (do I see a trend here?). It arrived and after experimenting with a few coffee blends, we asked what Jenna used and she lead us to the best cup o' joe I've had in awhile. It's funny how something so little as a fresh cup of coffee can make me so happy. So...go grab a mug and pour up.