The Cat Curse of the Singaporean Girls

Once upon a time, my mom was the victim of a terrible curse. This particular curse caused a group of friends from Singapore to assume that since my family owned two cats as pets, my mom must live for ALL areas of life: decorating, jewelry, hobbies, clothing, you get the picture. Despite my mom never wearing cat-related things or decorating with cat-related decor, the Singaporean girls were absolutely convinced...that was Kathy's THING. So from then on out, every gift she ever received was cat-related. And it was CRAP. Anything they could find with a cat on it was fair game. Yes. Anything. Much to my mother's dismay.
I've recently discovered I may too be a victim of this curse. I am beginning to receive cat-related gifts at an alarming rate...and again, I have zero cat inspired decorations or clothing/jewelry items. Maybe the guilty parties are trying to remedy that fact. The good news is the mentioned guilty parties (who shall remain nameless) seem to have HALF of my personality figured out. So the cat gift is usually accompanied by something I actually do like...which makes me wonder if the cat gift is in fact an unspoken joke? But I don't have the balls to ask directly or treat it as such. So for now I will settle in the fact that...the gifts are given out of love...and I'll appreciate the sentiment even if my life does not revolve around being the crazy cat lady.
Photo: Unknown found via Popgadget


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