
Poof! It's almost August. Crazy talk.
A lot has happened. I guess. I mean...I guess now my definition of "a lot" is "a lot" less than it used to be. But having the summer off to just be a mom and not try to do much else has been wonderful. The thought of going back to school is a little overwhelming but...almost exciting at the same time. This break has been needed (as much as childbirth can be called a break) but I'm ready to go back...almost.
We went to West Virginia for our friends' wedding. It was wonderful, we stopped at Virginia Tech and we're now home again. And now some pictures:
I love this one because my child looks like a robot. And of course, John is sexy.
John got to be a part of the bride and groom's sword arch and he had the honor of slapping her on the butt with his sword...........that sounds SO wrong. Please take it very literally. Sword. Slap. Butt. Not helping.
Moving is the before picture. In this photo, I am pregnant. And completely oblivious about it and slightly sad because I thought I wasn't pregnant.
And the after . Look where we are now! Amazing how quickly time passes. Here's another before and after that's fun.


I'm about to embark on a weight-loss challenge beginning Monday. It's less for losing weight as it is just for getting back in shape. I'm stoked about it and cannot WAIT to get started (chomping at the bit). I also talked John into doing it with me (YAY) so that'll be fun. ;) Well that's all...for now.


robayre said…
wu-woh, WEDDING! Um, did P attend that wedding because I think I recall a very strict Rachel Policy on children at weddings ;)
Also, what is your fitness challenge you are starting up with John? I'm curious because I'd love to start up some challenge myself, but I always end up quitting or never even starting one. I need to find one that is easy for beginners, but then by the end I'm totally ripped and have my dream body, lol
HA!! You are soooo right. I stand guilty. Yes, she has attended two weddings. I was even thinking of doing a blog post about that very fact. my defense, she hasn't made a peep at either and if she did, I parked myself at the back as to make a quick escape. And secondly, I knew the couple was okay with kids being there. I think I'm understanding more and more why people are okay with kids in weddings. My former self would be horrified and shocked, I know. I'll message you about the challenge so this comment isn't MILES long.
robayre said…
LOL! I have no problem with kids, in fact I love em, but I just remembered your stance, mostly because it made sense, but also because I'd never that before. Which reminds me, recently someone was saying that they thought there should be adult only pools, so you don't have to deal with the little kids screaming, or pooping in the pool etc. Upon further thought, an adult only pool sounds good at first but most likely would turn super shady real fast. Kind of like how the hot tub at hotels is always skeevy. You'd go to the adult only pool and it would just end up being skanky couples pushed up against the edge of the pool and no one actually swimming.
Erika Britt said…
Alright, I'm curious too about your weight-loss challenge as well! Half-way there myself and I feel like I have plateaued. I need some inspiration!

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