Belly Foto

I'm alive. No, really. As hard as it is to believe, I'm still alive.
I've started just telling people this is my finals week. It's not. But it might as well be. All the art students are preparing for their end-of-year art show and for once it's going to be at a decent venue and should turn out remarkably nice...really nice. So we're all scrambling to get everything done by this coming friday. Then...and only then...will I have a breather because the following week is spring break. YES!! No real plans yet but any break I'll take. Indeed.
I feel like I've been in a creative whirlwind of stress lately. I finished all my commissions (one had a close mishap but thankfully it survived!), got a lot done on many of my projects for school and yesterday we got our maternity pictures done by Lauren Weeks Photography (who also shot our wedding and also was involved in planning my surprise shower a few weeks ago!). Lauren is a good friend and so the shoot was a blast. Very laid back but a lot of fun. I love working with creative people who know my creativity because then I feel like we play off of each other better. I had this whole scenario played out of how I thought it would go...and it was of course completely different than what I visualized. But in a good way. I was picturing stress, feeling uncomfortable, and awkwardness. Thankfully, none of those things happened. I was probably uncomfortable once or twice because of the suicidal heels I chose to wear in a few pictures but that was about it. I even did a few bare belly shots which I was NOT expecting to do but enjoyed and from the one I've seen, they turned out great. HIGHLY recommend Lauren to anyone in the area wanting photography services because she's awesome and quick! She has a truly creative eye which I love and which frankly is a MUST HAVE for me when it comes to pictures.
In other news, we may have found my car. I won't speak too much too soon but I really think we found it. We're going to look at it in more detail today and test drive it. And hopefully (figures crossed)...well, you'll see.
I am also pursuing creating a website for my art. I FINALLY finished my last commission (last meaning...last before I pop!) and am realizing I need a website. Facebook can only go so far before you need your own space. I want to look professional and feel professional and I think I'm ready for the next step. goes. More fingers crossed that I can get something together for relatively cheap, quickly, pain-free, and oh yeah cheap. Keep yer eyes peeled!
Photo: A good friend who just had her baby. Photo also taken by Lauren Weeks Photography! This is one of my favorites.


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