Warrior DASH

Guess what time it is? PAPER WRITING TIME!! Guess what I have the urge to do? Post on my blog! Yay for procrastination! Sometimes I wish my English instructor would find this blog...just to laugh at me.
I determined this past weekend that I've officially lost my mind. Let me explain. One of the awesome fitness instructors at my gym (whose class I LOVE) participated in Rugged Maniac this past weekend. My first reaction: that looks SO FUN. My second reaction: who am I and where did Rachel go? Nah, I guess I have liked this sorta thing for awhile. When I did my missions trip to France when I was 14, I had to go through similar bootcamp-esque training doing an obstacle course from HELL every morning at 6:30am in the mugginess of Merritt Island, Florida. It definitely built character. But I definitely have not done anything like that since then. Then the same instructor announced she had SO much fun at Rugged Maniac that she's going to do the Warrior Dash in August. My first reaction: um...YES please! My second reaction: Sign me up!! Wait what? That's right...I am officially registered to participate in the Warrior Dash with John and I couldn't be more stokified. I thought about it and I think this is exactly what I need...something to work up to and train for as a goal. I don't know if I could be more excited.
In other news, I am on the verge of collapsing and dying a horrible death and if I don't get a break soon, like say flying to AZ, I just might lose it and bite someone's ankle.
The end.
P.S. No. No photo. Because the internet, computer, and life all hate me right now.


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