P is growing like a weed. It is hard to believe her Daddy will see her soon and that it has "only" been around 5 months of his absence...but she has changed a WHOLE lot!
P is working on her words. I realized today she doesn't know as many real words as I probably thought...but I think I think she knows more because she makes her own and she's always surprising me. And she seems to already be fluent in another language...like Japanese or Dutch. So I'm the one who really needs to be learning.
We are working on things like, "What does the doggy say?" which P always has an answer for...even if she isn't sure it's correct. Examples:
Me: What does Grandma say?
P: Dada!
(Note: "Dada" is Grandma/Grandpa. "Daddy" is John. Yes. She knows the difference and makes it very clear...)
Me: What does the doggy say?
P: Wooh! (She is THE MOST consistent with this one and note it is one of two that she actually answers the question with the sound being asked. Although TECHNICALLY they're all right. But I think the reason for her consistency with this one is this little girl is going to want a doggy someday. No really. She freaking LOVES dogs. She is ALL giggles any time any dog is in the vicinity.)
Me: What does the kitty say?
P: Kittykittykittykitty!
Me: What does the cow say?
P: OOohhh! (Her newest one...)
Me: What does Penelope say?
P: Beyahbeyahbeyahbeyah. (This means "Peneleope." She used to call herself "Bobby." It just got much more complex a few weeks ago. Over the past few days I noticed she is used "Bobby" once more. So I'm not sure if she is both Bobby and Beyahbeyahbeyahbeyah or if we might have an imaginary friend developing...) (Also note: when she says her name above...it sounds like she's saying in ridiculously fluent Mandarin: "Don't want don't want don't want..." Hmm...)
A new one:
Me: What does Mommy say?
P: Meyahmeyahmeyahmeyah. (She calls me "Mommy"...so this is just a play off her own name...obviously...DUH!)
Any time she isn't quite sure of the answer but wishes to give an answer all the same:
Me: What does the fill-in-the-blank say?
P: Rawr.
Good answer.
Photo: Meself...P reading some fine literature...


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