
So it's Halloween. And I didn't dress up. I'm a little sad. But I'm mostly over it. I'm just known for going all out since I was deprived as a child. WHICH, I must note, is funny since BOTH my parents went trick-or-treating as children. My mom was even a witch! What gives??
I can't give them too much crap. I have good memories of Halloweens despite having never gone trick-or-treating. The earliest Halloween memory I have is an entire hillside of lit jack-o-lanterns in Vermont. I was probably 3 years old. It's a very eery but awesome memory and if they still do it, I would love to see it again someday. Instead of trick-or-treating, my parents would take us out for Candle Stick Bowling (the bowling balls are smaller and the pins are straight) and pizza and then we'd have a giant candy hunt in our house. They were fun times.
Penelope was a duck for Halloween. I had planned to join her in costume as Betty Boop. But after a doctor's appointment that lasted a good HOUR longer than expected or was necessary (don't get me started) and scrambling around to get dinner done and prepared for trick-or-treaters, it was almost 7pm and I wasn't even CLOSE to getting ready. And although it wouldn't have taken that much prep, it would have taken some. Being that late, I decided it wasn't worth it and to just enjoy my little ducky. Which I did. Next year I will dress up with her and we will actually go out trick-or-treating. For now, we just had her meet trick-or-treaters at the door (several little girls thought she was adorable) which she found interesting in a serious duck sort of way. My mom and dad met the trick-or-treaters in funny wigs and they were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Afterward, my dad made cookies and we sat and ate fresh oatmeal cookies and sipped decaf coffee.
So...a pretty lovely evening, if I do say so myself.
Note: I was going to throw together a last minute Betty Boop costume. And it was going to be pretty epic. Next year, maybe. ;)
Photo: Meself


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