Tales from Momdom

I'm still here. The past 3 weeks have flown by. Time in general is flying by faster than I care to realize. And yet, with the quick passing of time, I'm reminded the more quickly I will find myself all healed up and ready to get back to normal. Completely.
I feel good. I have days I forget it's only been 3 short weeks (tomorrow!) since going into labor. I have small moments of guilt where I feel lazy for not going to the gym and then I happily remember I SHOULDN'T be going to the gym...so no need to feel guilty.
Every day gets a little bit better. Despite tiny set backs, our adventures with this tiny one gets a little bit better every moment, every day. It's a conflicting reality; it's hard to believe she's here and she's ours but it's also hard to believe she was ever absent from our lives. I left on my first solo excursion since having her yesterday and found myself missing her moments into leaving the house. But it was good.
Last week was John's first week back at work. It was both difficult and a good stint of growth. On the first day, I forced myself to leave the house for the first time with baby girl...by myself. It wasn't nearly as scary as I had been expecting. A few days later, I went to the store with her solo. Again, not as scary as I always thought it would be. We're slowly falling into the swing of things. And despite the lack of sleep, I feel myself glowing. I feel strangely vibrant. And her. Where to even begin.
I'm already madly in love with this face. Every day I see something I didn't notice the day before; a new "John" expression or a new expression of my own. Traits from both sides smooshed together in a ball of cuteness. Even the most frustrating moments are often diffused by laughter at some of her silliness. She has quite the personality and we can't wait to see how it continues to develop. As I said, time is already passing too quickly. Before I know it, she'll be in college. Slow down, little one. I must cherish every moment with you.
Photo: Meself


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