Episode 1...of ?

So I had my first hint that this baby is approaching...quickly. Monday night I thought my water broke. But I wasn't sure. I always grew up thinking these things were extremely clear after hearing stories from my mom about GUSHING fluid. But after going through pregnancy myself and reading a LOT of other mothers' accounts, I'm understanding that there's SO much about pregnancy that is just assumed. Whether it's from movies or other media or what...we're being deceived. But that's a story for another day. I now know my mom's experience was mainly due to the fact she had SMALL babies.
This all happened around 1am. I went into the doctor's office in the morning. I would have headed to the hospital if I had had any sign of contractions but there was nothing. It was a false alarm. HOWEVER...I was told it could be soon for a variety of reasons. So here I wait. John is convinced it'll be this Saturday. This Saturday is supposedly the biggest full moon in a long time...and if you didn't know, full moons are known to make women go into labor. No really. Google it. It's fact. Gravitational pull and all that. So...here we are waiting. I had my first real crabby-pregnant-lady's-been-pregnant-long-enough melt down last night. It has suddenly gotten HOT here. Quite hot. And pregnancy and heat don't really go well together. I haven't swelled this entire pregnancy and suddenly I felt like my entire body was swollen. I've stayed inside with the AC most of today.
Earlier this week and last week I had a serious case of Pregnancy Rage. If you aren't aware of this, I'm not sure if it hits all women who are pregnant but from the few I've asked, most of them have admitted to having some form of it. It's basically when you just want to cut a b*tch, pardon the phrasage. Seriously...I'm sure hormones are at play here but you just get to the point where anything anyone says regarding almost anything (and how they say it) becomes like nails on a chalk board and you literally want to cut someone. LITERALLY. I had moments where I wasn't sure if I'd make it through my last few weeks of school...not because of the work or tests or anything like that but because I wasn't sure if I could sit through an entire class without reaching out and strangling someone or verbally abusing them. Yeah. Intense stuff! Everything from people making innocent comments about pregnancy to someone complimenting something I was working on...it threw me over the edge. Facebook was the WORST. But thankfully it has passed. Minus last night's crab fest. John is literally the only person I've been able to tolerate during these trying times.
Speaking of school...I am officially DONE. Well...as done as it gets. I have one more class next week which I'm expecting to miss (baby, we've got a date for saturday, right?) and nothing else. It's a strange feeling to think I have the summer to recoup and get to know this baby, whenever she makes her debut (I'm just kidding...you can come whenever you want, baby). I feel like I've been waiting for these 9 months to pass for 9 years...and yet they did go by pretty quickly too. So...it's just been strange. But the best kind of strange. And I'm sure it'll get even stranger when labor hits. But I'm as ready as I can be for that. Just praying for endurance, patience, and trust.
Photo: Meself


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