And then there was a second...
A lot changes in a few months. And we couldn't be more overjoyed.
I found it difficult to really enjoy much of anything during the first trimester but within a few weeks of the second, I felt a wave wash over me and the closest thing to normalcy returned.
This pregnancy was far different than my last two. So much so that I wondered if I was having a boy! I had severe food aversions (couldn't eat any cooked vegetables to save my life among other things) and general morning sickness most of the day, minus the vomiting. My skin with Penelope was like adolescence all over again. This time, my skin is beautiful.
I struggled to really bond with baby in the beginning due to our January loss. It was difficult to not worry. So I passed a lot of the time just feeling sick but not really feeling pregnant. Finally, with our first listen of the heart and our first ultrasound, I felt like I was bonding with baby. And John and I both had a nagging BOY vibe. But I know that differences in pregnancies are not really an indicator.
I began feeling slight movements and a few kicks several weeks ago. This week was the big anatomy ultrasound to check everything out and find out the sex.
Let me tell you...I was nervous. I was excited to find out what we were having but oh so afraid of something being wrong. Thankfully, our fears were instantly put to rest as we laid eyes on our wiggly, healthy baby. The tech asked if we had any children and when we said yes, she asked what our child thought we were having. Penelope had said both "brother" and "sister" but over the past two weeks had exclusively said "sister." Even that day, she had said, "Sister!" when I asked what she thought the baby was. As we were telling the tech, she said, "Well...your daughter is right!" and typed, "I'm a girl!" across the ultrasound screen! We were both shocked, surprised, and SO happy. I instantly began laughing and crying as we continued the rest of the anatomy scan. I always liked the idea of having sisters and, although I was almost convinced we were having a son, finding out we were having a daughter was icing on the cake. All in all, what we wanted most was a baby. We would have been ecstatic either way. But it tickled me pink that Penelope was right. We agreed we had a funny suspicion on our way in that she knew. And we were happy she was.
Baby Girl was active and wiggly but not so much that it was hard to keep track. Pictured here, she's sitting with her seat wedged in a corner and her feet and hands up by her face. We saw her wiggle her feet, scratch her head, and shift around. Like her sister, she decided to hide one part of anatomy (her spine) which means another ultrasound will be needed (Penelope hid her head).
Even yesterday, I found I still had moments where I thought of her as a he. So many little things seemed to point to boy. But I am quickly adjusting. I think one of the biggest things was our boy name was SET IN STONE. Our girl name was still unsettled. And with Penelope we never found a boy name we liked so her being a girl was convenient. After narrowing down our contenders and sleeping on them, we think we have the name. I shared it with P this evening and in perfectly P fashion, she shortened it into a nickname (which I knew and hoped she would). Then she repeated it and said, "My _______?" BE STILL MY HEART.
A lot changes in a few months. And we couldn't be more overjoyed.
I found it difficult to really enjoy much of anything during the first trimester but within a few weeks of the second, I felt a wave wash over me and the closest thing to normalcy returned.
This pregnancy was far different than my last two. So much so that I wondered if I was having a boy! I had severe food aversions (couldn't eat any cooked vegetables to save my life among other things) and general morning sickness most of the day, minus the vomiting. My skin with Penelope was like adolescence all over again. This time, my skin is beautiful.
I struggled to really bond with baby in the beginning due to our January loss. It was difficult to not worry. So I passed a lot of the time just feeling sick but not really feeling pregnant. Finally, with our first listen of the heart and our first ultrasound, I felt like I was bonding with baby. And John and I both had a nagging BOY vibe. But I know that differences in pregnancies are not really an indicator.
I began feeling slight movements and a few kicks several weeks ago. This week was the big anatomy ultrasound to check everything out and find out the sex.
Let me tell you...I was nervous. I was excited to find out what we were having but oh so afraid of something being wrong. Thankfully, our fears were instantly put to rest as we laid eyes on our wiggly, healthy baby. The tech asked if we had any children and when we said yes, she asked what our child thought we were having. Penelope had said both "brother" and "sister" but over the past two weeks had exclusively said "sister." Even that day, she had said, "Sister!" when I asked what she thought the baby was. As we were telling the tech, she said, "Well...your daughter is right!" and typed, "I'm a girl!" across the ultrasound screen! We were both shocked, surprised, and SO happy. I instantly began laughing and crying as we continued the rest of the anatomy scan. I always liked the idea of having sisters and, although I was almost convinced we were having a son, finding out we were having a daughter was icing on the cake. All in all, what we wanted most was a baby. We would have been ecstatic either way. But it tickled me pink that Penelope was right. We agreed we had a funny suspicion on our way in that she knew. And we were happy she was.
Baby Girl was active and wiggly but not so much that it was hard to keep track. Pictured here, she's sitting with her seat wedged in a corner and her feet and hands up by her face. We saw her wiggle her feet, scratch her head, and shift around. Like her sister, she decided to hide one part of anatomy (her spine) which means another ultrasound will be needed (Penelope hid her head).
Even yesterday, I found I still had moments where I thought of her as a he. So many little things seemed to point to boy. But I am quickly adjusting. I think one of the biggest things was our boy name was SET IN STONE. Our girl name was still unsettled. And with Penelope we never found a boy name we liked so her being a girl was convenient. After narrowing down our contenders and sleeping on them, we think we have the name. I shared it with P this evening and in perfectly P fashion, she shortened it into a nickname (which I knew and hoped she would). Then she repeated it and said, "My _______?" BE STILL MY HEART.
Photo: Meself