
I have begun so many posts in the past few months. Most hardly get past the, "Wow, it's been a long time!" sentiments before I hear the cries of a baby and realize nap time is over or realize homework is more pressing at the moment...or dinner is boiling over. As I write this, I hear the stirrings of my babe as she wakes from a nap, but my advantage today is it's Saturday...which means there is another pair of hands to help me.
This has been a whirlwind year. And I could easily say it was a bad one because there have been very bleak periods...but when I look back, I see so much good. Not easy...but very, very good. This past month was amazing on its own that it could count toward the blessings of an entire year for a year to come. I got to see my two best friends in the world, together for the first time in five years. It felt both longer and shorter but what mattered is we three fell into our old rhythm of friendship and I came away missing them even more and wishing we all lived closer. As I get older, the importance of meaningful friendships and those people we CHOOSE to have in our lives has weighed heavily on my heart. It is true we always find ourselves in situations where friends are hard to come by. At least, that's what I tell myself when I'm feeling lonely...everyone goes through this, right?? But the importance of good fellowship is a heavy thing. I miss it. I crave it. And thankfully, the lonliness is has succeeded in pushing me to branch out and reach out to find those around me that are friendships of value...because you know they are there. Even if you aren't friends yet, there are people worth being friends with...quality people that build you up. We are pursuing a new life group and I feel great about it.
As December descends on us, I have that bright and at the same time sinking feeling that often accompanies this month. Right now, part of it is the looming finals of my last two classes. Right now, the finals seem bigger than the reality of them being my LAST classes...meaning I am DONE. It will hit me soon that I'm FINISHED (HURRAH!!!!)...but for now...I will just take big swallows and try to cram more information into my brain. The other sinking feeling comes from the materialism that surrounds the Christmas holidays. From the overly hyperactive Pandora ads for present shopping to the glitz in store windows, I find myself wanting to hide in a whole. But I must be careful to not lose the true meaning altogether in the process. God has been so good and
BIG this year that this season must hold new wonders for me.
Artwork has been on the backseat for two months or more. Which has been hard and frustrating but it will come to an end with the end of these classes. I'm grateful for the chance to restart afresh. Soon it will be Christmas and then the New Year and then we will be wisking away to Italy for a dream-come-true reawakening trip of awesomeness. Yet another thing that has not truly hit me yet. Expect a frantically excited post hopefully soon.
Let the Truth of this season descend upon you and reveal light where there was darkness.
Unknown found via Bookofjoe


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