Week 1

We got through week 1. Almost, at least. Deployments are notorious for throwing everything at you the minute your Marine/service member leaves. I had my insurance magically cancelled, my power of attorney vanish before my very eyes, a giant leak spring up from my kitchen faucet, car batteries die, garage doors break...you name it, it's happened to a military wife during deployment. We call it the deployment curse. I was waiting (and am still waiting) for the first blow. But so far all that happened was P getting sick. For the 4th time. In a row. I'd take a broken garage door over that any day. Poor baby. Thankfully, she seems on the mend despite a runny nose and coughing. Lots of naps and TLC. Did I mention she's started giving out hugs? And waving? And she can stand against the couch? She's growing too fast.
The temp has dropped dramatically since John left and the skies are bright, blue and beautiful. Despite it being cold, I feel spring coming on and I can't WAIT to take P to the pool or the ocean. We have swim diaper and sand pail and shovel ready to go.
My parents moved into their new house last night. My dad's bible study of their new church helped and my mom said it couldn't have gone smoother! I went over right before they arrived with the larger stuff and mom and I couldn't help but squeal in excitement (P joined in too). It's a quirky little house...which seems to be a theme for my parents. But it's larger than the last one, more in the country and just...so fitting for them. I had my doubts they would find what they wanted in their price range (older home, not in a development, enough property for a garden, close to me) but God LITERALLY dropped this in their lap. I am so humbled and in awe. It's really truly a God send and fits everything they hoped for (and more!) to a T. It used to be an old honey farm run by a retired Marine and his wife. The Marine has since passed away and the wife lives next door and still owns the place. My parents find new treasures in this new home daily. Just this week my dad found an old GRAPEVINE growing in the back corner of the lot. He spent several hours hacking away old brush to reveal it and make it accessible. Even if they never prune it or use it for anything, it's beautiful. They also have a tiny pond in the center of their little driveway area (I can just see tiny fingers looking for summer tadpoles in there), a fig tree on the side of their house, and another fruit tree that we haven't identified yet. In short...it's perfect. There's flaws in the house but it's perfect for them for now. I'm so thankful and can't wait until it's warm and P can play in the yard.
Well...my little one is down for a much needed nap and I need to get ready for the day so off I go.
Photo: Malenda Trick found via Malenda Trick


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