Dear Baby

Dear Baby,
I'm sorry I won't get to meet you for awhile...much longer than I'd like. But you are in a place we all dream of going and you are with someone who knows you and loves you completely and perfectly. I'm comforted knowing you are in His arms, the safest place.
We love you and still can't quite grasp that you aren't here anymore. Little things and big things remind us and our hearts ache for you. But only because we hoped to have you a little longer. Jesus had better plans and maybe he wanted to use you in his kingdom now instead of later. We stand by his choice for his child and are honored to have been your mommy and daddy if only for a little while. Your presence in our lives brought us great joy and the anticipation of seeing you face to face someday brings even more joy.
I wonder what you are like, how you'll look, if you are a girl or a boy, and what growing looks like in the heavenly realm. I know I can't understand it yet. But someday I will. I hope you will greet me when I meet you there.
You are forever treasured and loved, little one. Never forgotten.
Love, Your Earthly Parents


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